Talk It Out with Jodi Leib
Choosing with Moby
March for Women's Lives, 2004

Jodi: Hi Moby.
Moby: Hi, how are you?
Jodi: Fine thank you. It's really a pleasure to meet you. What I really respect in you is your ability to stand out and stand up for the beliefs that you have, and I just really think it's great.. Can you tell me why you decided to participate in tonight's event at the Warner Theater?
Moby: One of my beliefs is that being a sort of public figure, one of the only things that makes being a public figure valuable is you get to use your public figuredom to draw attention to things that are important to you. You know, causes that you believe in, issues that are important to you, and the reason I'm here is because I've supported Planned Parenthood for a long time. Obviously, I support a woman's right to choose, but Planned Parenthood, the fact that they look after women's reproductive health, I think they do great work. That's why I'm here.
Jodi: And they help men too. They provide counseling and healthcare to men and children as well.
Moby: All in all, Planned Parenthood is just a great organization. I'm happy to be here helping.
Jodi: That's great. What I think is great about this year's March, this generation's March, is that it's not just about abortion rights, it's about the right to have access to healthcare. It's great to see so many men here, because healthcare and family planning are men's issues as well. Can you talk about why it's important that men stand up for these rights as well?
Moby: There has to essentially be solidarity. Obviously, with reproductive issues, there are two sides to our species. There are men and there are women. Reproductive rights do affect women more than men and there does need to be solidarity between men and woman trying to insure healthcare for all people, and also trying to protect the Constitutionally defined rights to choice.
Jodi: Absolutely. Absolutely. How's music? Can you bring that in to how you feel about music today, and what is inspiring to you as a musician?
Moby: Musically, I like just about everything. Even bad music often times has some element that's kind of inspirational to it. Right now is a really fascinating time in the world of music because all the record companies are falling apart. No one really knows what the music business is going to be like in five years. Hopefully, a constant group of people will continue to make music and people will continue to love music.
Jodi: So where does that put freedom, freedom for the artist, freedom for the American?
Moby: What do you mean?
Jodi: How do we feel freer?
Moby: I really don't understand your question. It's a little bit vague.
Jodi: Okay. Are there things that we can do, people who feel suppressed by the government, suppressed by lack of healthcare, are there things that we can do in our own lives that will create freedom within and freedom to have happier lives?
Moby: Happiness is very subjective. There are certainly some objective components to happiness, but for the most part, each person has their own understanding of what happiness means, and essentially, we do have very specific inalienable rights. If you feel repressed or suppressed, that's in fact your right. And if you feel somehow someone is trying to prevent you from being able to exercise your rights, then lobby against that person. Do everything in your power to draw attention to abuses.
Jodi: Awesome. What's in your CD player right now?
Moby: I don't have a CD player anymore.
Jodi: Oh, that's right. What music is touching you right now?
Moby: There's a band from the UK called Goldfrapp and I really like them. I like the band The Flaming Lips quite a lot.
Jodi: I love them!
Moby: Yeah.
Jodi: And I love you too! I'm just a huge fan. I'm so honored to have you Talk It Out!
Moby: Thank you very much.
Jodi: Thank you.
Moby: It's a pleasure!
By the way, I checked out Goldfrapp......fresh! Right on, Moby. And, I loved your journal entry from the March! You TRULY rock!!!!!!